Basic Karate Kata List 1-9

A picture of martial artists performing karate kata

This is a list of the basic karate kata. There are nine kata which fit into a basic category. They can be divided into the subcategories Taikyoku, Heian and Tekki. Each has a description and instructive video. Learn or research your karate kata here.


There is only one Taikyoku kata. This is the first and most basic karate kata on this list.

1. Taikyoku

Here are the directions of movement for the first kata: Left, right, forwards, right, left, backwards, left, right.


There are five Heian kata in total. These are some of the more basic karate kata on this list. But they are harder than the Taikyoku. Each starts with a block. This demonstrates their peaceful nature.

2. Heian Shodan

3. Heian Nidan

4. Heian Sandan

5. Heian Yondan

6. Heian Godan


There are only three Tekki basic kata on this list. Their purpose is to help you develop a strong fighting stance. The horse stance is used in all of the Tekki videos. Imagine you are riding a horse to get the right position.

7. Tekki Shodan

8. Tekki Nidan

9. Tekki Sandan

Shotokan Sensei has some really good kata tutorial videos, link here.

Find a full karate kata list here.

Other articles on martial arts:
Basic Kicks
Basic Punches
Basic Throws
Basic Blocks
Top 10 Martial Arts Videos
Top 10 Martial Arts Films
Basic Karate Grappling Techniques

1 comment
  1. I really appreciate you posting these! Taikyoku 1 was the first form I ever learned!

    We always called them “Taiyoga” instead of “Taikyoku.” Have you ever heard of that before?

    Also, I just wrote an article about katas and why we practice them. Not to sound click-baitey, but I’d love it if you gave it a quick read!

    What the Forms?!

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