
Tag Archives: online jobs

A fountain pen resting on sheets of parchment

This is my second Make Money Blogging article. Click here to find the first, Tools and Tips. This article is written as an answer to: “How would working with me help you make money blogging?” But it also applies to websites and professional companies looking for a boost in online business. These principles also act as a guideline for the services offered by many other freelancers.

There are many benefits to working with a freelance writer or blogger. You can increase your audience for a start. The quality of writing on your site will also be improved. SEO tools will help your site rank higher in search engines. And you also save yourself valuable time.

1. A Clear Message

The purpose of blogs, websites and online companies is to deliver a message. That message may be “Buy our product” or “Enjoy these articles and videos”. What is most important is that the site delivers its key message clearly. You cannot make money online if people don’t know what you are offering them.

Freelance writers are excellent at constructing written pieces which deliver a clear message. The message will be easy to understand, memorable and accurate. If a company says “This is us, tell people about this feature and use 1,000 words”… What they will receive is 1,000 words dedicated to the feature and written with the company’s target market in mind.

fish target

E.g. if your target audience is fish

2. Compelling Content

If you read a book like War and Peace you can hardly put it down. If you read a status on Facebook which says “Eating toast #yolo” you probably can’t scroll past it fast enough. One contains very compelling content, as mentioned in my War and Peace review here. While the other is as compelling as a slice of toast. People are often unwilling to part with their time or money easily. To make money blogging or make money online you have to compel people. This is where quality content can make or break a website.

A slice of toast

Not compelling content

Freelance writers have the literary skills to write content which will draw people in. And you can’t make money online without drawing an audience. This comes from both natural talent and academic qualifications. Look for three things when hiring a freelance writer. These are: visible writing skills, academic qualifications and proven work. Academic qualifications need not include an English degree. Graduates of humanities or humanities students will also have academic experience from coursework and dissertation writing. Proven work may include a blog or articles which a freelancer has written for a website or business.

3. Freelance Writer Qualifications

I’ll use my qualifications to give an idea of what to look for. I am a third year history student at an English university. I publish articles on this blog and make money online writing for websites such as Martial Arts Videos. I also contribute to other websites such as Rome 2 Total War, and manage multiple social media accounts.

What does all of that information I just threw at you mean? I have academic qualifications. I can also prove the quality and value of my work on multiple websites. And by checking out my articles you can determine whether my writing style suits your business, blog or website. These are the qualifications which a freelance writer needs to make money online.

4. Guest Blogging And Other Alternatives

Freelance writers’ blogs are often an integral part of their business. So they can make money online without selling their work directly. You can ask a blogger to write a post advertising your website or company, and in return offer to share an article or link on your site.

Something which I am interested in moving into is guest blogging. This is when you write an article for another person’s blog, and they reciprocate. Not only will this improve a writer’s portfolio, but increase the audience of both blogs. This could also work for a company and blogger who share a similar message.

Deep sea divers shake hands underwater

You can even arrange guest posts underwater

5. Finding Your Freelance Writer

If you want to make money online through your website or blog, you need the right writer. Where do you find them? You can advertise on sites such as ProBlogger or Elance. I mention these because they are popular for both clients and writers. But can you rely on the quality of their users’ work?

The most reliable way involves some leg work, but it will be worth it in helping you to make money online. Find a website or blog with well-written articles and compelling content. In most cases, that site will not be there only source of income and they will be happy to help you out. If contact details aren’t visible on the home page or author bio, comment on one of their posts expressing your interest.

President Obama looking through the door of the Oval Office

Tip: freelancers may be found behind doors

6. Can I Help You Make Money Online?

By now you have read about my qualifications and seen the quality of my written content. Am I the kind of freelance writer you could work with? Here is a list of services I provide:

-Freelance writer with a negotiable rate of pay.

-Guest blogger (paid or post swapping).

-Link sharing.


-Social media advertising.

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